I’m not a fan of any sort of medical procedure. Just going to the doctors office for a physical got my heart rate through the roof. Mind you, it was my first physical as an adult. The last time I went to a normal doctor was right before college, many years ago.
As expected, my doctor wanted to run some tests and get some blood work done. This was not good news to my ears. The only time I have ever had blood work was several years ago when I was living in California for a year, and it was an absolutely horrible experience.
My doctor’s office is a small little local practice, but she has a lab come in on most Fridays to take blood. Since I had to fast for this appointment, I would need an early slot because I know I get hangry and lightheaded. Unfortunately, all the slots were taken up for before lunch, so I started on a hunt to find a lab on my own.
One night, my significant other found a company online called Getlabs. This company will send someone directly to you in your home (or office) to do your requested labs. It seemed like an interesting idea to me. After thinking it over, and seeing their availability, I decided to make an appointment.

While the website claims that appointments start at $35, I never saw the cost that low. Every day and slot I personally saw was for $79, which to me still seemed worth it as someone terrified of blood draws and hoping for a more intimate personalized experience. It’s worth noting, my significant other saw some slots of $35 really late at night for a next day appointment show up just once on the site, so maybe keep checking at night?
Scheduling an appointment was very easy. You share pictures of your insurance card and script from your doctor, and off you go! I booked my appointment the night before, and there was plenty of availability and the slot I wanted was still there.
The day of my appointment I received a text with an estimated time of arrival of my phlebotomist, which was smack in the middle of the 2 hour slot I chose. The person showed up maybe 20-30 minutes after the given estimate. Not sure how they calculate the estimates, but I didn’t fault the person since they were still there on time according to my slot.
We got set up on my dining table, I turned my head to not watch, and she got to work taking my blood.

I informed my phlebotomist that people have had trouble finding a vein in my arm, so she immediately, without question, switched to using the top of my hand instead. While this probably is more painful, it’s more comfortable for me since my veins are front and center on my hand, and I would rather this than them poking and prodding me multiple times.
I did start to feel faint at the end, but since I was home, right after she left I was able to eat and drink something and lay down on the couch. From start to finish, everything took maybe 10 minutes?
My experience with Getlabs was really positive. The phlebotomist was nice and gentle, and did a great job making sure I was comfortable. I’m proud to say there were no tears this time around.
The Pros:
- No phone calls! As a millenial, I don’t like to call to schedule appointments.
- Privacy in your own home. You can be comfortable in your own setting and don’t have to go and wait at a facility or hospital.
- Technology oriented company. You get notices via text and email, and can do all your scheduling on the site.
- When I emailed the company after my appointment with a quick question, I got a fast response.
- Mask was worn by phlebotomist
The Cons:
- The listed $35 price doesn’t seem to be the norm from my experience checking out dates and times.
- No text response when I texted them with a question the night before. I figured the phone line would still be working since they just texted me with confirmation, but it looks like they have limited texting staffing hours. I didn’t get a response in the morning either.
Would I choose Getlabs again?
Absolutely. This experience was hands down a whole lot better than my first blood work experience.
Is it kind of “bougie” since I’m scheduling an at home out of pocket expense that not everyone can justify? Sure, but for me the cost was worth it.
Getting my blood work done at home made me feel a lot more comfortable, and provided a patient and private experience. I didn’t feel rushed and I didn’t feel embarrassed to be nervous. If you’re like me with difficult veins, bad previous experiences, or just plain afraid of blood work, I would definitely recommend considering an at home service! I feel proud of myself, and braver for having gotten through it without any issues.