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Home Depot Christmas Tree Review

When you think of picking out a Christmas tree, you’re probably not thinking of going to a home improvement store. However, this Christmas we went the unconventional route and decided to pick up our tree from Home Depot.

The Selection:
They offer a handful of different trees, firs, spruces, etc, so you’re sure to find your favorite type. Tree types and sizes are each separated in various sections so it’s easy to walk around and find the right tree for you and your home.

Most of the trees are wrapped up in string, so you can’t get a great feel for the fullness or shape, but everyone around us was opening the trees up to take a look, so it seems this is acceptable. Some families had pocket knifes to get the job done, but we were able to easily untie and unwrap the tree.

We went with a 4-5ft Fir tree this year. While our apartment has really high ceilings, we’ve been buying rather short trees for the past few years simply for the fact that we leave the cats home alone for a week or so around Christmas and feel knocking over a smaller tree (which they haven’t done yet) would cause less damage.

Packing up your tree:
Once you’ve found your perfect tree, you take it over to the wrapping station where the workers are happy to level your tree’s bottom and cut off any extra branches you don’t want that might get in the way of your tree base. You can even keep the trimmed branches if you want, but we opted not to. If you need help getting your tree tied onto your car, the guys seem more than willing to help, but we came prepared 🙂

Depending on type of tree and size, costs seem to range from $20 to $55. Our 4-5ft Fir cost $23.52 with tax, so a really great deal!

Here’s the final result, minus a tree skirt arriving Monday!

Whether you go the conventional route and buy your tree at a Christmas tree farm, or pick up your tree at a home improvement store or lot on the side of the road, I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

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